

MASN Website Today

Liam Tuesday June 4, 2019
After a longer break of activity and administration of the website, two motivated people have taken up work on the website and MASN itself again.

Maia has been on it for a longer time but you might not know me, so here's an introduction:

My name is Liam and I study Anthropology in south Germany. I contacted Maia a few months ago because I liked the idea of MASN and offered to help out if there's any need. So we started to work on the website again, updated the forum software, and redid the website so that (nearly) everything works.

The website is now running the newest version of Tiki (that's the software behind the forum, etc) and is pretty much fully functional. New registrations still have to be approved by the admins, we thought it still makes sense to leave that as it is.

The website is reachable via moving-anthropology.net and movinganthropology.net. Both will bring you to the same website.

We'll be at Ethnosymposium Conference in Munich next week to talk about MASN and the new website. If you notice anything that isn't working on the website, feel free to reach out (under the tab "Contact").



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